The Skinny Pancake is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the local community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek improvements throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment by conserving energy, water, and other natural resources; reducing waste generation; recycling and purchasing recycled—content products; sourcing products locally when possible; and reducing our use of toxic materials or production of toxic products and/or byproducts. We are committed to environmental excellence and pollution prevention through continual improvement and meeting or exceeding all environmental regulatory requirements set in place by both state and federal governments where we conduct business.
Environmentally Preferable Products Purchasing Policy: The Skinny Pancake shall give preference “to suppliers whose products have environmentally friendly attributes that maximize post-consumer recycled content, minimize toxicity and packaging, or have any other environmentally preferable attributes, with minimal sacrifice to price, quality, and delivery requirements.” This includes but is not limited to purchasing products in bulk packaging, returning delivery containers and cases to distributors, offering our guests compostable to-go ware, operating with green cleaning products, and printing marketing materials on post-consumer recycled paper.
Stay tuned for our other locations follow suit and join the VT Green Business Program!
Click here for more information: